Friday, February 22, 2019

Just Another Evangelical Phony

Just another Evangelical Phony!

       So, this piece of shit Evangelical pastor (is that redundant?) whose own son testified to his father’s prior knowledge of massive voter fraud, now admits it, yet NC wants to hold another election vice simply concede to the other candidate? Really?

        Testifying under oath, Rev. Mark Harris cited "sepsis and two strokes" as the reason he ignored his son's counsel regarding the crooked "operative" who conducted the scam. (Roger Stone, anyone?) The "operative,’ one Leslie McCrae Dowless who committed the fraud, paid for illegal and forged write in ballots, which constituted  more than the margin of victory in a close contest. His (Harris') health, apparently so bad that it rendered him incapable of moral; decisions, is good enough to be a Carolina legislator? Am I the only person who thinks this a bit odd?

       The elder Harris’ son, John, a federal prosecutor, apparently with the conscience his father seems to have misplaced, testified that his father was notified, by him, of his grave concerns over the hiring of Dowless and the questionable results of previous efforts by him to “procure” votes. “Dowless conducted an illegal and well-funded ballot-harvesting operation last year,” North Carolina's elections director said Monday. Dowless' workers in rural Bladen County testified at a special state elections board hearing that they were directed to “forge signatures, collect blank or incomplete ballots voters handed over, and fill in votes” for local candidates who hadn't earned them.
        In what I feel is reflective of a much more pervasive problem in American politics, , Dowless was a sub-contractor for a group known as “Red Dome.”  The name says it; the “Red” for Republican and the “Dome” for state and national capitols. Here’s their mission statement:

         "At Red Dome Group, we pride ourselves on personalized service for each of our clients and we always put the needs of our clients first. We’re hands on, we’re easily accessible, and we’re actively engaged every step of the way.
Red Dome Group will work directly with the client to develop and implement a unique strategy that is customized to fit their individual needs and focused on ensuring the client’s success.
We’ve been involved in politics at every level and we have over 75 years of combined experience in every aspect. We know what it takes to win.” 

        Apparently, Red Dome, insulated by intermediaries, will countenance  just about whatever it “takes to win,” legal or not.   

        John Harris said he first had suspicions in Bladen County when he analyzed the 2016 primary results and saw huge absentee voting numbers for candidate Todd Johnson. He said he sent an email with those questionable results to his father. That directly contradicts the several times Mark Harris said he had “no previous warning about Dowless.”

       Of course, "voter fraud", which Republicans trumpet against Democrats every time they wish to discredit and/or disadvantage a candidate, ethnic group or economic stratum, has yet to be shown as a complaint with any merit in any national contest. That said, this is in fact a rock solid prosecutable (not enough penalty, mind you) crime, committed by an operative hired by the "good reverend" who, naturally denies any knowledge of his rascality. It all sounds a bit Trumpish, doesn't it?

        What is truly hard to stomach, however is this comment, from the senior Harris’ attorney. Alexander Dale, with a straight face, said, “A new election would punish hundreds of thousands of voters whose choices weren't in doubt. The elections board should declare Mark Harris the winner and push prosecutors to act against those who broke laws protecting election integrity.” In this one statement he pled for the rights of the “hundreds of thousands” who supported his client, while simultaneously, by implication, figuratively spitting on rights of the hundreds of thousands (plus over a thousand more) who actually cast legal votes for his Democratic opponent.  Holding another election is simply one more desperate effort to elect a Republican instead of acknowledging what the recount and subsequent investigation shows - that the Democratic candidate had a sufficient number of legal votes to win the contest. Period! There simply is no national "epidemic" of voter fraud, as Republicans allege to promote voter suppression, but there are pockets of criminal manipulation backed by paid operatives in local dirty politics, and this is certainly one of them.

        In a quick check of all actual cases of verified voting irregularities in Florida, most (about ¾) are single individuals who failed to report previous felony convictions or used an improper address. However, when the voting fraud offense involved orchestrating multiple, or bundled, votes for either party, four of five convictions were of persons working for organizations like, but not, in these cases, Red Dome, in the employ of Republican candidates or in two cases the State Republican committee. Do we see a pattern here which flies in the face of Republican rhetoric?

        What is more interesting to me is that this data comes from the arch conservative Heritage Foundation, which clearly has little interest in slanting this data in Republicans’ favor. Their data shows, looking at a number of diverse states (because I have that kind of time), that contrary to Republican claims, while there are criminal convictions related to election law violations in every state, many are not actual ballot issues, but illegal registration issues, such as a candidate illegally registered, or a potential voter claiming an incorrect residence. Relatively few such incidents involve more than one vote in tens of thousands.      

        Likewise, while Donald Trump ranted in 2016, re: “massive voter fraud,” The commission he established at taxpayer expense found little or no evidence and was quickly disbanded when even his own chosen hit squad came up empty.

       On Nov. 18, 2017, Andrew Kossack — the executive director of the Trump mandated commission — circulated a draft “Staff Report” on the commission’s work. The report was a summary of the commission’s efforts, which Kossack had been compiling beginning in August. The draft report included a prewritten section called “Evidence of Election Integrity and Voter Fraud Issues.” The section, with few exceptions, wound up almost entirely blank. Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, said the lack of material in the section set aside for evidence of fraud or other voting problems “shows that the White House knew, or at least should have known, that it was blatantly lying when they made those claims in January.” (Trump’s own claims of “massive voter fraud”)

        In any event, if Mark Harris, man of the cloth or simply lowlife shit-heel cheater is allowed to stand for election in North Carolina again… that’s a fraud!

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