Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's not THAT the wind is blowin'.....!

I've often wondered why the media outlets treat us as if we were candidates for the short bus. This storm season has provided us with yet one more example of the reason. They treat their own staffers that way!  Submitted as proof are the pictures below

 There is no reason known to the mind of man that makes this report more reliable than if the cam showed the storm and the reporter was safe in the studio. It's almost as if the Weather Channel is holding your hand to the stove to prove that it's hot. If you as a reputable weather observer tell me the wind velocity is 125 mph, I will take it on faith without seeing some poor sacrificial reporter get a small tree driven through his spleen!
 Poor Jim Cantore, the Weather Channel's poster child for daring the elements, seems to relish being blown, shaken (not stirred) and pushed around. I guess they'll keep on doing it until a sheet of corrugated roofing cuts a reporter in half, and then we'll hail them as a fallen hero rather than a dumbass without the sense to come in out of the rain. The whole concept of having to be on the scene makes little sense if video accompanies the analysis.
 I believed Walter Cronkite and he stayed behind his desk, and I wouldn't believe Sean Hannity if he were on the scene. It's about who you are, not where you are. A second layer of imbecility is the "eyewitness" interview by the "Action News" on scene reporter who apparently searches for the most mentally challenged individual in the crowd of gawkers following a tragedy and questions them as if they actually expect an intelligent/intelligible response. These guys must use the same selection criteria as those aliens, who faced with an entire population of humans, choose some nose picker from a trailer park in Arkansas

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