Thursday, April 18, 2013

Short memories and factual confusion

This is my response to a letter written to our local newspaper. Clearly,. the writer has issues with the current president, also clearly he has no sense of proportion and a very short memory. All the assertions I make in my reply are documented and factual. The one omission, because of a word count limit, was that I didn't refer to the insipid smirk on "W"'s moon face when he said "bring it on"  as I didn't remind readers of the "Mission Accomplished" fiasco during the carefully orchestrated and stage managed landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln within sight of San Diego, but made to look as if it was far at sea..

          In a recent letter, a gentleman urges us to "Hold this President's feet to the fire" for his statement, made less than a week ago, to the effect that "We will find out who did this, and why," referring to the heinous and cowardly Boston bombing. It is  another disappointing example of thoughtless partisan sniping, similar to the Tea Party Nation's e-mail  placing the blame for the bombing on the President. We are now almost to the point that my cat's fleas, tornados, and 7-10 splits are also the President's fault in the eyes of those who won't reveal their true "color".

          I wonder if these same individuals were so avid, outspoken and willing to hold the previous President's feet to the fire, after more than 3000 Americans died and, standing before Congress with typical Texas bravado, President Bush made much the same type of statement, followed by "bring it on!" Seven years,  two wars, over 4,000 American and over a million Iraqi deaths later, he left office . The current President ordered the final accounting for Osama bin Laden, 9 years after the empty threat.

           There are several  facts, curiously overlooked and incontrovertible, regarding these incidents. No one - Boston PD, MA State police, FBI, had any warning, inkling or sense of danger, on Patriot's Day. The Bush White House, on the other hand,  had a national security brief, prepared by the Clinton White House naming Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden as terrorist threats. The FBI upper hierarchy  ignored reports by field agents of Saudis learning to fly and having suspicious credentials. The report was largely ignored because it was prepared by the departing Democratic President. The FBI internal vibes were ignored because of a smug sense that "It can't happen here." At the time, any criticism of Bush's actions were lambasted as "unpatriotic." Whose feet really should be singed? "Always love your country; only love your government when they deserve it" - Mark Twain

                                                     Mike Dorman, Poinciana

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