Monday, January 20, 2014

Letter from a "Gutsy" teacher..... a lesson in venality.

So, a friend who forwarded me an e-mail entitled "letter from a gutsy teacher" which had been sent to him. In it, there is a letter full of hatred and fiction with a picture of a fourth grade teacher from Missouri holding up her middle finger. Sending such tripe with a photo is indicative of the judgement implicit in the rest of the letter. Since my pal sends me these mostly to see my response, and I hate to disappoint, I felt compelled to address the lies in the letter. I won't post the letter, since it is poorly written and semi literate in composition, but I will attach below my response, which I sent to the originator (not my buddy, who just sends me these to spin me up, lol))

Regarding the e-mail  “Letter from a gutsy teacher…”

I agree with only one part of this scurrilous document. It IS “gutsy” to pose as a knowledgeable person and be so wrong! If you read all she has to say, read this, too.

I just reread this load of horse dung.  Here is a systematic although not necessarily ordered, refutation of essentially the whole thing. To start: John Adams was the first President who told Muslims in print that the US was "not a Christian nation." As a non theocratic state, which we are, that statement is categorically correct, as much as the Robertsons, Grahams and Bachmanns might wish it otherwise. She calls out others for not knowing details of which she is obviously ignorant. 

She is beside herself because President Obama bowed when introduced to the Saudi King. Her point, if any, is that the US President represents us and should bow to no one, since his job doesn't concern Europe or the rest of the world. In truth, Nixon, Eisenhower,  Bush 41, and Kennedy all were photographed bowing to foreign heads of state, Eisenhower to the Pope and G.H.W. Bush to the Emperor of Japan at the funeral of Hirohito who led Japan into war against The US!
 Then in stunning and illogical change of direction, she then asks if the President has ever heard of the Marshall Plan, but makes no point relative to the question. The Marshall Plan, while generous, was politically motivated as an anti-Communist tactic to weaken Soviet interests in Western Europe.  President Obama wasn't the only President who was careful not to offend the Germans, that was actually Reagan, who went to a German war dead cemetery.  I think the surveillance of the German Prime Minister's phone actually pissed them off. President Obama, has not, to any degree exceeding that of his 4 predecessors, "gone around the world apologizing...... "  he has just been less offensive than Bush Sr, in that he didn't puke on anyone. This twit, obviously still believes that if you tell the big lie, that the President is Muslim (He isn’t!) that it will become true (it won't).  Would  she rather have him shout to the Saudis and Jordanians "We hate you raghead motherf*****s?"  If so, she has absolutely no grasp of geopolitics.

 The real rub here is that both Bushes had and have far stronger ties to the Saudis and their Wahabi state than any other president ever. This twit then insults the entire Congress as being less intelligent than she and certainly not all members are really bright, but anyone who edited the Harvard Law review  or completed an Ivy League education cum laude as did the current President, is at least functionally literate. Did she insult the intelligence of  Bush 43 - a C student legacy at Yale? - I doubt it.

 She whines about Congressional "pay raises."  Here are the facts (a concept foreign to this woman):  Since 1992, congressional pay has not kept up with inflation. To keep up, pay would have to be closer to $219,000 rather than $179,000. By law, Congress obtains an annual automatic pay adjustment, equivalent to the prior year's average private sector wage change. However, the raise can't be a higher percentage than for other federal employees. A Congressional pay raise also cannot go into effect until after the following congressional election. As someone who also has not been enchanted with Congressional performance, I feel it more useful to hold one’s elected representative’s feet to the fire, rather than slander the whole body. Her “shotgun”  approach is right out of the Limbaugh/Beck playbook .

 She moves on to complain about teacher pay.  If this teacher took a 5% pay cut last year as she claims, she should blame either:  a) her state, if that's where funding levels are decided or  b) her school district whichever controls teacher compensation. The federal government has zero to do with setting teacher compensation (except maybe in US foreign schools and DC)  Again this woman apparently has no grasp of the unreality of her claims.

Back to WWI and II, which this harpie says were fought out of our concern for the peoples of Europe. In truth,  we only declared war on Germany after they declared war on us after we declared war on Japan. Even though FDR strongly felt we should help Britain as early as 1940, folks in the heartland (like the misguided soul  who authored this letter) basically had a different attitude, which roughly distilled down to “Not our problem” , based on memories of the horrors of WWI and a strong sense of isolationism. Speaking of WWI, it took three years and the fear that if the Allies lost the war the US couldn't recoup the billions American financiers had loaned them, to get Wilson able to ask for a declaration of war.

 Apparently Messers Dodd and Frank have offended her as well, she never says why. While  I'm not fond of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the White House neither created nor runs neither one of those, so I'm not sure why she's pissed at the President about them.

Finally, nothing the President has ever done or said  had indicated his ethic system to be other than Christian, but if any piece of legislation passed in the last 40 years has Christian concern for others behind it, it is the Affordable care Act!   As someone who actually taught both the Declaration and the Constitution in a college level course, it is noteworthy that the words “Christian” and "Jesus" are absent in both, so,  so much for the "Christian" claim. Adams, a Deist, but likely not much of a Christian, cajoled Jefferson, another Deist and even less a Christian, to write the Declaration. I don't know what the "teacher" thinks the Declaration is; perhaps like Ms Palin, she has some vague sense that it is a governing document (it isn't). In modern terms it might be called "Why we're pissed at Parliament and blaming the King instead" and subtitled "leave us the hell alone so we can make more money"  James Madison (author of much of the Constitution) and Alexander Hamilton ( author of "The Federalist, along with Madison and John Jay) were little more devout. In fact, Madison and Jefferson's distaste for organized religion was why they mandated that the University  of Virginia would  have no chaplains, since M and J decided that if the students needed their souls tended, they could get it done in Charlottesville off campus.

 Like so much of the tripe produced by the Tea Party and their ignorant ilk, this is couched in terms attempting to make the reader believe the writer actually has something to say, and she does. Unfortunately, it reveals the author's gross ignorance as relates to factual matters, and worse yet, reveals the bigotry of the author as regards her willingness to make diametrically untrue statements about the President.  As a Missourian, she comes from a state with a less than pristine record on the subject of race relations anyway (read about the St. Louis riots of 1917 if you are a real student). I would hate for a fourth grader of mine to be a victim of this teacher in the classroom. When I was teaching, (20 years following 26 in the Navy) most of my students had little idea regarding my political affiliations; I doubt the same is true in this case.   



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