Friday, April 25, 2014

Things Which Test One's Sense of Sympathy

Things that strain your sense of sympathy and/or concern:
    1.    The “reality” shows that pit man against nature in some barbaric contest. Examples might include the “The Deadliest Catch”, “Man Against Wild” and the filming of idiocies such as “Grizzly Man.” Where is the sympathy and concern for the poor camera man/crew who do all the same things, are exposed to the same deprivations and dangers,  and do it while recording the actions of the hero? As tough as “Bear”Grylls may be, the cat who films him has a harder job.
    2.    In the case of the “Grizzly Man”, Timothy Treadwell, who ended up as the texture in bear turds (yeah, literally) why waste sympathy on such an imbecile? He certainly was aware of the dangers inherent in dealing with these animals at close range before he became simply another nutrient. Treadwell was repeatedly warned by (Katmai National) park officials that his interaction with the bears was unsafe to both him and to the bears. "At best, he's misguided," Deb Liggett, superintendent at Katmai and Lake Clark national parks, told the Anchorage Daily News in 2001. "At worst, he's dangerous. If Timothy models unsafe behavior, that ultimately puts bears and other visitors at risk." Treadwell filmed his exploits, and used the films to raise public awareness of the problems faced by bears in North America. In 2003, at the end of his 13th visit, he and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were attacked, killed, and partially eaten by a bear; the events which led to the attack are unknown. By the way, the “dangers” Treadwell referred to were simply not a factor to the grizzlies of Katmai, who were delighted to see another item on the buffet! 
    3.    North Korea has detained yet another incredibly stupid American. This young man (Matthew Todd Miller,24) apparently tore up his tourist visa and claimed sanctuary/asylum, or whatever they call it these days. The fact that he was immediately arrested by North Korean authorities may well indicate their assumption that any person claiming asylum in their god forsaken hell hole, is demonstrably either insane or a spy. A corollary to this action is the behavior exhibited by those “missionaries” stupid enough to go to this rogue state and openly defy authorities there while disrespecting their religion, which predates Christianity by about 600 years.  In like manner, there are already several western “missionaries” whose need to tell others of their theological errors overcame common sense and the repeated warnings of governments, friendly and hostile, and led them to North Korea, where they languish in the Kim’s totalitarian nightmare. Sympathy for these loonies is wasted. 
    4.    And finally, what of “poor” Cliven Bundy, hero to the lunatic right until they realized his racist attitude might cost them votes if they continued supporting his idiot and criminal acts. Facts in his case  are as follows: Cliven Bundy is a rancher in Nevada who grazes his cattle on public land. Not his land, not “Nevada’s land” as he and his sycophants charge, but your and my land – Public Land of the USA. 20 years ago the rules regarding grazing on public lands changed, a deed done by a Republican Congress and a Democratic President, but tracing its roots all the way back to the first US Government under the Articles of Confederation. Current laws regarding grazing on these lands trace to the Depression, when desecration of these lands by overgrazing and poor farming practices helped create the “Dust Bowl” and all its accompanying misery. In 1946, responsibility for responsibly managing (and conserving ) these lands was rolled into one Bureau of Land Management (BLM). A requirement of the program was that ranchers wishing to graze on public lands would apply for leases and pay for grazing rights. Over time, ranchers, especially more affluent ones began to dominate the process such that the regulators were being more regulated (good leases going to the same influential families over and over) than those whom they were assigned to serve and regulate. So the rules were changed to require leases to be bought as usual and to be renewed every ten years.
 The current dispute began in 1993 when grazing rules were changed and Bundy refused to pay the new bills to the US government for his cattle grazing on BLM-administered lands near Bunkerville, Nevada. Bundy was eventually prohibited from grazing his cattle on the Bunkerville Allotment by an order issued in 1998 by the United States District Court for the District of Nevada in United States v. Bundy. (He refused to abide by the rules his neighbors obeyed!) The BLM complaint was supplemented when in July 2013 the George Court ordered that Bundy refrain from trespass on federally administered land in the Gold Butte, Nevada area in Clark County. After about 15 years of repeated violations of multiple court orders, in early April 2014,  the BLM began rounding up Bundy's cattle that were trespassing on the land. While they were doing so, they were confronted by protesters and armed supporters of Bundy.  The government backed off and Bundy became the flavor of the month, garnering support for his lawlessness from other like minded persons who believe the law is inapplicable to them.

Of special note is the manner in which Faux News, led by Hannity decried the rule of law in favor of this scofflaw (Bundy). Senators aligned themselves either on the side of Bundy, or the side of the law. Nevada Senator Harry Reid(D) decried Bundy’s actions as illegal and his ever more inflammatory rhetoric as essentially homegrown terrorism. This was a bit strong, as “frontier loudmouth shitkicking lawbreaker” was more apt. The Republican Senator from Nevada, Dean Heller, meanwhile hailed Bundy as a patriot. What fell off the table here was the fact that Bundy had once paid grazing fees and simply stopped doing so about 21 years ago. In my humble estimation, 21 years is a lot of patience on the part of the BLM considering the flood of court orders ignored by Bundy.  It’s important to understand that what Bundy basically believes (He doesn’t, but he says he does) is analogous to me living in Hagerstown, Md, raising cattle with the belief that I should just be able to herd them to City Park to graze. Moreover, even if another rancher was paying for the right to graze there and I wasn’t, I should still be able to get away with it.   

Fast forward to the last several days when the grand dragon took off his sheet, and lo and behold, it was Cliven Bundy! I am only symbolically calling him a klansman, but will literally brand him a racist. He has gone so far as to blame Martin Luther King, Jr. for the lamentable (to Bundy) fact that he can no longer properly use racial epithets. The skid marks of Tea Baggers and others including Hannity, trying to distance themselves from these remarks, and in most cases, from Bundy, are awesome to behold. He has been revealed, finally, as have the vast bulk of far rightists when the sheets come off, as simply another racist redneck. What troubles me is that Bundy’s Congressional supporters believe that they can separate and compartmentalize his actions and attitudes , separating his concept of “liberty”(which it ain’t) for the white rancher from his absolute disdain for the same rights for persons of color. 

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