Monday, December 24, 2018

Mad Cow or Bad Cow?

    This from the brilliant, if more than a tad strange, David Cross, circa 2012:

       "I’m assuming that cows, like people and dogs, have varying degrees of intelligence. So, at some point there was a cow of superior advanced intelligence running around a slaughterhouse somewhere that had figured out what was going on, that death was imminent, and all their masters were not benevolent nurturers but rather evil murderers luring them to their deaths. But he couldn’t communicate this to the other cows because all the other cows were of average cow intelligence—i.e., stupid. Maybe even the cow was smart enough to know that he was just a cow and would never be able to impart the sense of urgency needed to escape because cows are stupid. Must’ve been maddening. Also, I wonder if we’d be less prone to eating beef if the noise a cow makes sounded less like “moo” and more like “help.” Probably not. They’re delicious."

        Ignoring the last sentence, added for comedic value, doesn’t it almost seem as if Cross had presciently anticipated the Trump administration? The bovine of superior intelligence could well be Rex Tillerson who, recognizing almost immediately that the path the herd was travelling  led to disaster, and the herd bull mentally challenged, escaped with reputation and conscience relatively unscathed.   

       The Mattises, Haleys, and Comeys are the “smart(ish)” bovines who would eventually sense the reality and the implication of multiple poor decisions and try to stave it off, while the Boltons, Giulianis, Huckabee-Sanders and the rest of the cast of deplorables continue inexorably plodding blindly into the abattoir, hoping to get more (hay?) or whatever motivational factor drives them. 

       The mentally challenged Betsy Devos, Mike Pence, and Kellyanne Conway,  apparently the poster girls for Mad Cow, simply blunder mindlessly back and forth into the ever narrowing walls. In fact, it seems many are simply following the herd bull, large, loud, overfed, unfortunately never castrated, and far too ignorant to recognize a bad decision, especially when it’s been made by him.

       What they almost certainly fail to appreciate is that, once far enough down the chute, there is no turning back and the only thing waiting at the end is the captive bolt stun gun which, sadly, will have little impact on their mental acuity but will definitely remove them from the gene pool.    

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