Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A monkey's uncle? - You bet!

New rule #8 : It's way past time to stop using the words "Creation" and "Science" within the confines of the same sentence. It's also time to stop juxtaposing  the words "Theory" and "Evolution" in like manner.

          I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, but I just happened upon an article entitled "Here Is What Louisiana Schoolchildren Learn About Evolution."  The apparent answer is that they learn essentially that it's a sham of psuedo-science, created by godless communists, while Creation "Science" is the real deal. And you wonder why some kids are at a disadvantage getting into good schools?  here are several selections from the article:  "The Bible says that Christians should be discerning. That means that Christians should understand what is right and what is wrong. In this activity, you will be given several articles to read. You must evaluate whether the writer is writing from an evolutionist viewpoint or a Creationist  viewpoint."  Note here that this is pre-loaded to push the child to the concept that Christian viewpoint is right, and the exercise goes on to blatantly show that Creationism is the only Christian viewpoint. Examples include: "The Bible talked about unusual animals that were very likely Dinosaurs." ..... "So Dinosaurs and man would have lived at the same time. God's word is always accurate. We can trust it to be true, even in matters of science"   This ludicrous article goes on to say that the Bible proves that some dinosaurs survived the great flood (Noah) therefore man and dinosaurs roamed the earth together!

          Creation Ministries International offers a six videotape set (each tape is called a "session" for some reason) which describes each of the "six days of the Creation" promising to let the viewer (purchaser, and they ain't cheap!) "Explore each day of creation in fascinating detail. The Six Days of Genesis fills a void in the creation student's library. It follows the six creation days, as found in the first two chapters of the Bible, expounding each Scripture with scientific facts and theologically sound doctrine." Whooo, Leroy, that says it all! The website further states, " Creationist research is having a global effect that is worrying the atheists and secularists of this world. They have had it all their own way for over a century but things are slowly changing. For almost twenty five years now, Journal of Creation has been publishing cutting-edge creationist research that has been fueling the war against evolution, creating little fires all around the world, including Great Britain."  This organization's founder is a (no longer allowed to practice) medical doctor from Australia, a Dr. Weiland. Another genius, a Dr. Gitt has produced his own version of Luther's famous Protestant  Document. His is called "The 95 Theses against Evolution".

          In thesis #4 this Gitt (note my  sly use of the Brit derogatory term for a rural nitwit) claims to refute Evolution by stating that  JBS Haldane, a famous neo-Darwinian and atheist, had disproved his own theory, when his calculations showed that for Evolution to have any validity it would have had to been in operation for more than 1,000,000 years; clearly impossible, since as everyone knows, the earth is only about 10,000 years old! 

          Thesis #42 deals with radiocarbon dating. Gitt now, apparently forgetting his 10,000 year earth age, attempts to prove radioisotope dating unreliable because of variances in "aging" the same sample. What he  apparently fails to notice is that the dates range from 516 million years to 1588 million years. Disregarding the factor of three difference, these are all far older than he states the earth must be in thesis #4!

          Thesis #75 states :  Unnecessary beauty: "The unnecessary beauty occurring in nature is an important criterion for intelligent creation. The naturalistic approach fails to explain the development of unnecessary beauty. Natural selection would favour exclusively practical mutations providing a survival advantage in some manner. Unnecessary beauty would not be favoured or selected according to evolution theory." Apparently this imbecile has never seen plumage displays among birds, or the red butt of a baboon, or the mane of a lion, or men flocking around a well built blonde. None of this is practical, it's all about mating, with the most attractive getting the prom queen. (except in Gitt's world) The "survival advantage he denies is the passing on of the selected male's DNA.

          Thesis #76: "Intelligent Information. Since all forms of life contain a code (RNA/DNA molecules) and the other laws of information. (Laws of information?) this clearly falls within the definition of information. We can therefore conclude that there must be an intelligent originator sender."  Why, you ask? Well, silly, because he says so. Obviously he has not read some of the Facebook entries I've seen. Some information indicates no intelligence whatever on the sender's part. This is vintage Creationist gobbledygook  clad in psuedo-scientific hogwash.  He rambles a bit, about Biblical references to "God said" in Genesis and then "proves his assertion with this: "The word said is in bold type to emphasize how God created life on Earth by means of His word in the role of the information sender." Ooohhh Kay.

Thesis  #91: The degeneration of human language. To shorten this heap of steaming dung, I'll summarize: Language has gotten less complex in later times than in earlier times. Older civilizations could communicate more information with fewer words than is the case with modern languages. This contradicts the evolutionary idea of development from simple beginnings to greater complexity. Where to start? How about new communication methods,  print and visual media make this entire statement irrelevant, null and void. looking at just English, the language has gotten, not simpler, but far more complex in scope and vocabulary. Gitt is just making shit up at this point.

#59 - A personal favorite of mine. Planetary rings: The planetary rings of all four gas planets are demonstrably (says who?) short term phenomena. They cannot be older than 10,000 years. He continues, but this is enough. He is so locked into the 10,000 year old earth, that the solar system must be the same age! NASA (real scientists) says: "How old are Saturn's rings? No one is quite sure. One possibility is that the rings formed relatively recently in our Solar System's history, perhaps only about 100 million years ago when a moon-sized object broke up near Saturn. New evidence, however, raises the possibility that some of Saturn's rings may be billions of years old and so almost as old as Saturn itself. Inspection of images by the Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft indicates that some of Saturn's ring particles temporarily bunch and collide, effectively recycling ring particles by bringing fresh bright ices to the surface." Ahh Hell, what do they know? All they did was to actually do science and send a spacecraft to observe, vice some supernatural mumbo jumbo.

Thesis #94  "Conscience and Ethics: Conscience and ethics couldn't have evolved in the merciless fight for survival that has been going on for years. Pure instinct deprived of conscience would result in the elimination of the enemy race. Conscience, on the other hand, keeps one from acting on purely unscrupulous or selfish motives" Actually, Dr, Gitt, as Dr (real PhD) Richard Dawkins points out in his latest book "The Selfish Gene" that's exactly what the motive  we call "conscience" is - self interest and/or sacrifice in the moment for a greater benefit later.

Thesis 86: Neanderthals and Australomorphs "The descent of man from apelike ancestors has still not been proved. Not a single indisputable example of the fantastic intermediate forms published in the media has been found........The hypothesis generally supported today is that Neanderthals, Chimpanzees and modern humans share a common ancestor, however, not a trace of these hypothetical ancestors has ever been found!"  Well, Dr. Gitt is correct on this point. Not a trace has been found, but numerous traces. The fossil record of the evolution of bipedal Homo Sapiens stretches back about 7 million years. Along the way we meet Sahelanthropus Tchadensis back at the 7 million year point, (or so) , Australopithecus Afarensis (numerous examples) , ca. 4 million or so, Homo Habilis (the toolmaker) ca 2 million, a dead end branch or two along the way (Paranthropus Boisei, Paranthropus Robustus), Heidleberg Man (Homo Heidlebergensis) ca 350, 000, and whether he likes it or not, H. Sapiens and H. Neanderthalensis, both in the 190, 000 range. Unfortunately, our slower, beetle browed cousins didn't make it, but according to recent finds in borneo, Homo Floresiensis (aka the Hobbitt) lasted until ca 18,000 yrs ago. No evidence?  Sheeit, doc, we drownin' in it!

          There are about 90 more of Gitt's "Theses" each more ludicrous than the previous. This, as all Creationist drivel,  is the  antithesis of science. One of the first hard science classes we require kids to take in school is Biology (it might be Chemistry, depending on the state).  No matter which course it is, both revolve around the scientific method. No lesser light than Aristotle, 350 years before Christ, laid down precepts that are still taught today for investigating the natural world. Among these concepts are: The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. What distinguishes the scientific method from other methods of acquiring knowledge is that scientists seek to let reality speak for itself, supporting a theory when a theory's predictions are confirmed and challenging a theory when its predictions prove false. The principal  features that  distinguish scientific inquiry from other methods of obtaining knowledge are simple. Scientific researchers propose hypotheses as explanations of phenomena, and design experimental studies to test these hypotheses via predictions which can be derived from them. These steps must be repeatable, to guard against mistake or confusion in any particular experimenter.           Creationists ignore this and reverse the process. "Begin with the conclusion and reject any real world data that contradicts your preconceived conclusion." This isn't even bad science, it's not science at all.  It's akin to rejecting the smallpox vaccine in favor of sacrificing a goat to appease Mwabi,  the God of childhood diseases. It's the reason Christian Scientists and Jehovah's Witnesses die from treatable conditions.

          In summary, then, if we want our children to be competitive in the Sciences, we need to teach them science. In a parallel story with similar head shaking potential. the Pope just released the third book in his trilogy. He has declared the Virgin Birth scientific fact, apparently based on exactly the same scriptures available to all mankind for millennia. Of course one is free to believe it or not, since it is also proffered as an article of faith. Teaching  creationism as any sort of science to labile and unsophisticated children is another matter completely.

          Judith Hayes sums all this up nicely and simply, "If we are going to teach creation science as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach the stork theory as an alternative to biological reproduction.” Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist, (author of The Ancestor's Tale, a superb read) puts it rather more specifically: "There’s only one game in town as far as serious science is concerned. It’s not that there are two different theories. No serious scientist doubts that we are cousins of gorillas, we are cousins of monkeys, we are cousins of snails, we are cousins of earthworms. We have shared ancestors with all animals and all plants. There is no serious scientist who doubts that evolution is a fact."  Unfortunately there are some non-scientists out there insisting that it be taught in our schools.

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!

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