Sunday, November 11, 2012

New Rulez - format Bill Maher, content mine

 New Rulez  (acknowledgement to Bill Maher for the format, content is original)


1. New Rule: If you as a Republican told Democrats to shut up and stop whining in 2000 when Gore lost Florida to George W. Bush (and the Supremes, his backup group) by  less than 2000 votes, you must stop calling the Obama margin of 72,000  votes a "razor thin" margin.  In a state where Republican Governor Rick (Skeletor) Scott did everything in his power (and some that probably weren't) to abridge and or restrict voting among "certain" groups, ala 2000, President Obama won by a margin 35 times as large as Bush!  This was in spite of the fact that Scott ordered his Secretary of State to use his authority to restrict the early voting period in an attempt to minimize minority voting. Other measures include requiring driver's licenses, and purging voter rolls, which almost never removes Republican supporters, but which in 2000 disenfranchised many legitimate minority citizens. Of course the really cool thing is that by the time Florida had, once again , proven itself  incompetent to conduct a presidential election in a timely manner, it was irrelevant. So, Republicans, put on your big girl panties , stop pouting and sucking your thumbs and act like Americans and support the President and the nation, which is exactly what you told Democrats to do 12 years ago, under much shadier circumstances.

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