Thursday, December 6, 2012

Figure Lie and Liars Figure!

New Rule #11: If you have an opinion on gun control, tell the truth: You like guns, and that's ok, but you must stop equating handguns, assault weapons, Uzis, etc with hunting guns. A Corollary to this is:  stop using bogus "studies" as proof of the blatantly untrue. And while you're at it, if you want to criticize Bob Costas on journalistic grounds, you have to be a journalist of equal stature!


          Much has been made, and is being made, by media outlets as I write, about several issues peripheral to the central issue of gun control. They range from the outrage of Fox News  that a "mere" sports caster would dare to use 90 seconds to comment about something with political overtones to the equally vociferous Ted Nugent and his fan club, the NRA, claiming that guns, guns and more guns will cure cancer;  an exaggeration, true, but you get the point. Along the way, some gun advocates will cite studies (and there are some, done by places such as Harvard) that seem to prove that gun ownership decreases violent crime.

          Each of these issues and points of view has at some point, feet of clay and lapses of illogic taken to prove the point. It should also be noted that no studies "proving" gun ownership decreases violent crime consider just the United States, but include European and African nations with hugely different history and demographics. I shall address the easiest canard first - the claim that  Bob Costas was inappropriate and unqualified in  using his bully pulpit to speak about the NFL tragic murder/suicide and gun control when he should have stuck to sports.

          The only way this criticism can be even considered would be if similar outrage was expressed by Fox news, when Rush Limbaugh used ESPN for his racial superiority rant re: Donovan McNabb several years ago. Curiously, O'Reilly, Hannity, et al had nothing to say.  To criticize a journalist of Costas stature on professional grounds is above the pay grade of anyone at Fox News. First off, Costas is no stranger to political commentary, and has made no attempt to back away from it. In spite of this, in the eyes of O'Reilly, Hannity, Coulter and the rest, when the discussion turns to guns, all restraint is gone. Never accuse Fox of not  knowing  how to pander to their demographic! Suddenly the gloves come off, and O'Reilly slams Costas for political commentary on a sports broadcast.

          This, from a man with two largely ghost written books, one of which, "Killing Lincoln," was removed from shelves at Ford's Theater due to inaccuracies. I assume,  since O'Reilly has  BA in history, he's qualified nonetheless.  Not surprisingly, O'Reilly's name is in a huge type face on the cover of his books, while the co-author is tiny. Costas, on the other hand has co-authored 9 books and written two. On the co-authored books, Costas name is in equal or smaller font than the co-author!  Costas is also credited as  a major contributor to Ken Burns' iconic  "Baseball" series for PBS. Along the way, Costas has had moderate success and acclaim for work inside and outside sports broadcasting. 

          Costas has won eight National Sportcaster of the Year awards from the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association, and was inducted into that organization's Hall of Fame in 2012. He has also won four Sportscaster of the Year awards from the American Sportscasters Association, and nearly twenty Sports Emmy Awards for outstanding sports announcing. Among a host of awards, Costas has been awarded the Curt Gowdy Media Award from the Basketball Hall of Fame,  TV Guide Award for Favorite Sportscaster,  the Dick Schaap Award for Outstanding Journalism, Doctorate in humane letters from Loyola College in Maryland, and  the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism. I can't be sure, but I bet that Bill O'Reilly fantasizes about the Cronkite award, which he'll  never win,  when he.....(you know.)!

           Costas has also hosted numerous non-sports related talk shows that  have focused on a wide variety of topics, and have not been limited to sports discussion. Costas hosted Later with Bob Costas on NBC, featuring Costas and a single guest having a conversation for the entire half hour, without a band, opening monologue or studio audience. On several occasions, Costas held the guest over for multiple nights, and these in-depth discussions won Costas much praise for his interviewing skills. In June 2005, Costas was named regular substitute anchor for Larry King's Larry King Live for one year.  On August 18, 2005, Costas refused to host a Larry King Live broadcast where the subject was missing Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway. Costas said he had no hard feelings about the subject, but that he was uncomfortable with it. Imagine that, a conscience, another concept alien to Fox! Since October 2011, Costas is a correspondent for Rock Center with Brian Williams. He gained acclaim for his November 2011 live interview of former Pennsylvania State University assistant coach Jerry Sandusky concerning charges of sexual abuse of minors, in which Sandusky called in by telephone to deny the charges. So, no, Virginia, Bob Costas is much more than a "sportscaster" and much more of a real journalist than most of the Fox staff can ever hope to be. By Fox's standards, I suppose the late, great Jim McKay should have just kept quiet about the Munich Olympic Tragedy, too?

          Regarding some of the claims made by Nugent and others both before and after the Costas controversy, it seems sometimes people just "spew an opinion" and think if they say it loud enough or often enough, others will believe it.  No one proves this quite like the Motor City Madman, Ted Nugent. I must issue a disclaimer here, I actually like some of Nugent's music and his guitar work, I mean who doesn't love "Yank Me, Crank Me" and "Whang Dang, Sweet Poontang"?  Boy they don't write 'em like that anymore!

           Ted sez: " Every study on crime and or firearms proves time and time again, that 99.99999% of American gun owners do not commit crimes or use our firearms in any dangerous or improper way." The only problem with this is that in order for this statement to be valid, the US would have to have a population of over 30,000,000,000  (thirty billion for the math challenged) persons who own guns! Ted also posits that:  "The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, and undisciplined children. Period."  That must be small comfort for Gabby Giffords, the parents of the VA Tech students, the families of those killed in the Colorado theater, and the two year old orphan of  Jovan Belcher. It also probably won't help the 13 year old who was shot by his young friend in Lake County Fl. because his friend's father, the Lake County Sheriff's Dept. firearms safety instructor left his loaded Glock on top of the refrigerator. The shooting was accidental, but surely not due to Nugent's pre requisites. This point of view also means that a sober, drug free adult holdup man or sniper isn't misusing his gun!%$#???

            There are some opposing points of view, by persons far saner and more rational than Ted Nugent. " When a person has a gun, sometimes their mind clicks that this thing will win arguments and straighten people out" ( Bill Cosby).   Here's another fun thing to do with your conservative friends: fondly mention Ronald Reagan, that icon of conservatism,  and just when their  tears are about to brim over mention that he signed California's  Mulford Act in 1967, 'prohibiting the carrying of firearms on one's person or in a vehicle in any public place or on any public street,' and his voicing of support for the Brady Bill and the enactment and support of an 'assault' weapons ban in the 90's!" Who? Ron? Yep!  (Nothing to make you favor gun control like getting shot!)

          Finally, regarding all the studies "proving" that handgun possession lowers crime rates: All these studies have one or more fatal flaws, usually (in my humble opinion) built in by the person(s) doing the study. Like creationists, these persons are usually either pro-gun and starting from the conclusion and working backwards, or being paid by an organization such as the NRA to come to the conclusions which they desire. These studies also take into consideration all guns in the country of interest. In the USA, this skews the data from the start, because of the relatively large number of sportsmen hunters, whose long guns are rarely, if ever, the guns used in the violent instances we so fear. This  large number of recreational firearms is lumped with handguns of all sorts,  which are, in fact the killers of the innocent and the loved one in a moment of passion.

          One such study "proves" that Russia, which has a high violent crime death rate, has a relatively low handgun ownership. Considering the history of Russia, totally different from the USA, this isn't  and shouldn't be, surprising. As recently as 70 years ago, essentially no Russian other than military or government persons had handguns or guns period.  The problem was that Stalin and his ilk still were  able to order the "liquidation" of millions (at least 5 million, and that's conservative) of his own people for political reasons. Since the fall of communism, the guns are in the hands of Russian Mafia, and the demographic is little changed. Those in power have guns and use them against those not.  The reason for the crime rate is societal, not related to ordnance.    

          Another, the Harvard study, lumps the USA with the Scandinavian nations in an attempt to show (and it does) that statistically, those nations have relatively low rates of violent crime, and that the crime rate varies inversely with the percentage of  the population who own guns. Again, taking several of these nations, Finland, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Denmark are of traditionally low population density with a tradition of rural, hunting cultures. Their long guns are not analogous to handguns for purposes of the study. Another interesting factoid from this study is that Austria, with 17,000 guns per 100,0000 persons, has the lowest violent gun related death rate  per capita in Europe (.08 deaths per 100 thousand), while Finland, with more than 2 1/2 as many guns  per capita, has, 2 1/2 times as many gun related deaths. So much for statistics. Another factor that must be considered is the nature of the governments in these nations, almost all of which are Socialist. If one grants that much gun related crime is related to drugs and/or poverty, then one must consider that drugs are decriminalized in most of these nations and social welfare does much to feed and clothe the less fortunate, so why use a gun to get what the government will give you? By the way, you will not see many Socialists with National Rifle Association memberships!

          The other, even more egregious study interpretation comes from citing relatively low gun ownership per capita in African nations with a high violent death rate as statistically meaningful in other areas of the world. It is true that Swaziland ranks a lowly 85th in the world in terms of gun ownership, but 5th in terms of violent gun related deaths. This statistic is meaningless in the sense that the deaths are either genocidal or government ordered, neither of which is relevant to civilized nations.

          Taking either of these extreme "proofs" from these studies, therefore, if you hate guns, move to Swaziland, where your neighbors won't have them, (but 57 of each 100,000 will die). If on the other hand, you think, as do the Nugents of the world, that more guns is better, move to Serbia, number two in the world right after the USA in gun ownership (3.9 homicides per 100,000). Or stay here (88 guns per resident, #1 in the world, 10.97 deaths per 100,000, 10th in the world!) Another example of how statistics lie is that Japan, Haiti and Rwanda have exactly the same very small percentage of firearms ownership.( .6 guns per 100 persons.) So obviously, all three have equal violent crime rates? If you are Ted Nugent, the figures must be right. Me, however, I'm not going to Rwanda regardless!

          .”The right of the people to keep and bear…arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country…”

                                                             ~James Madison

          The modern equivalent of the "well regulated militia" is the National Guard, not a bunch of loonies playing war in the woods. There are no hostile savages except ourselves, Ndomakong Suh,  and some Canadian hockey players. And I do believe that's all I have to say about that. 


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