Friday, December 21, 2012


So let's just get this out there, because internalizing it just makes my head hurt. Some cats in the waay back believed in human sacrifice, snakes as oracles. Corn (maize) as a God, jaguars (the cats. not the cars) as deities, all of which most sane persons roundly reject. Yet, there are those that say out of all those ludicrous assumptions, these guys could predict the end of the world? In like manner, there are those who take one quote from one man (Mark) who was (I suppose) equally certain of what he believed, and base their lives on that assertion. A third group, believe in accelerating war in the MidEast to hasten the return of Jesus, even though both Matthew and Luke have Jesus assuring the faithful that he would return IN SOME OF THEIR LIFETIMES!! (that ship has sailed) And yet.... (wait for it) Many of all of these groups choose to reject and ridicule sound, overwhelming data supporting global warming because....?
Man's fatuous willingness to shape his ends to the unreal and the rediculous never cease to astound me.

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