Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Rule #28: Just Saying it doesn't make it So


        Just saying that the issues Americans disagree with the President about aren't race related sounds good. It's like saying "No, I'm not racist!  Closer examination, however reveals a willingness on the part of those who, methinks, do protest too much, to believe the most base, wicked and scurrilous assertions made by those who are self admitted racists. The "birther" issue is an example, as is the story (totally false) that He took the oath of office on the  Quran. Nancy Reagan could have appeared on American Bandstand and those of the right would have applauded, instead they criticize Michelle Obama, as they did Hilary Clinton for being too much in the public eye. Not to worry, they did it to Eleanor Roosevelt too! A Ms. Yeager, who posted this opinion on Facebook,  would be well advised to note that most Americans do agree with the idea that every American should have health care insurance, and, absent the "official line" put forth by the AMA, so do most doctors, especially those who work emergency rooms, who see critical cases that could have been ambulatory outpatient cases if the person had early GP care.        Most Americans, in fact agree with the vast bulk of President Obama's policy, which is why to the great dismay of Fox News and their idiot sycophant viewers, he swept the electoral vote.
      Here are three more examples of the inherent bias: 1) No one questioned the fact that John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which is a hell of a long way from being a state, yet the birther maven whined,  "Well, Hawaii shouldn't be a state!" (yes, really, she said that). 2) Sarah Palin, whose thoughts must be nearly drowned out by the rush of air through the space where most of us have a brain, opined that "Well, his name is Hussein, which tells me he's a Muslim."  Well, her name is Sarah, which was Abraham's wife's name, so she must be Jewish (instead of lunatic, snake handling, exorcism believing, one step from Westboro fruitcake.) 3)  An acquaintance recently made the statement that "Obama wants to raise taxes so he can give even more to the undeserving, by which he meant welfare recipients" Many, like Ms. Yeager, would probably believe that without any hesitation.

       The truth is much more interesting. First, Until the 7th year of the Reagan administration, the highest marginal tax rate was higher than it is now, even after the modest top end increase. It was Reagan who in his last term, supported two consecutive yearly decreases in the rate, leaving G.H.W. Bush (and Clinton , and G.W. Bush and Obama)  with a suddenly shrunk federal income stream. We are still feeling the result. Second, after the first year of President Obama's  first term, Federal welfare spending as a percentage of GDP (a fair way to evaluate it, since it excludes effects of inflation) has gone down! Let me repeat, all Republican bullshit notwithstanding; except for his first year ( fiscal 2009, where he had to work with a Bush budget) Federal welfare spending under the current administration has DECREASED. That means less! How much less? From 4.5% of GDP (2009) to just over 3 % of GDP. this is a drop of 30%.  This is due, in part  to allowing more state flexibility in enforcing workfare, a Clinton concept. It should be noted that far righters opposed this, too.

        Fact driven critical thinking proves the lie to the vast majority of the claims made by those who shout their lack of racism in much the same way the Pharisees prayed loudly in public to show their religiosity. Guess what? It was hypocritical them, it's hypocritical now!  And I do believe that's all I have to say about that (for now)


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