Friday, March 15, 2013

You Wanna see crazy????

Ya wanna see crazy??   Here's crazy from a self styled "Nordic     Christian"  website


 " Q - How do we know Jesus was white?

A - Because all of his relatives which included his mother.... who fled to Britain when he was crucified were pure white. They, his relatives, made tapestries and tile works of his image. The Bible clearly states that Shem was of pure white lineage.... and then the Bible carefully traces the lineage of Christ because having a pure racial lineage was important. The Bible is always specific when one of the pure white race members married a "Canaanite" (non white) Any person in the Bible who married a non white no longer had their lineage recorded in the Bible."

                                 Really, Adolph?
      So Adam was white? Then where did dark skinned folks come from? What an abortion of horseshit and gunsmoke!

     "Mary fled to Britain?"  Well, add that to the story that she fled to Ephesus (where she allegedly died) in the 50-60-AD time frame with John the Apostle. That story would rock, except John went to Ephesus at the earliest in 79 AD.
       This is why Israel makes so much money on tourists desperate to see those places where "tradition has it" precedes the name of every Biblical landmark. Why? because no one really knows if any of the sites are true, accurate or existant; so come bring your money, because "tradition has it" that you'll feel like you've proved something and we'll put the checks in the bank. I'm quite sure some Westboro Baptist moron has photos of the 7-11 where Joseph and Mary split a Big Gulp on the flight to Egypt. By the way, the epitome of this psuedo historical/archeological shuffle is the slightly submerged sheet of high strength plexiglass to allow the devout tourist the real "Walking on the Sea of Gallilee" experience! Not kidding!
        Second only to this charade is the ubiquitous picturing of the "Nordic Jesus" , the blond haired , blue eyed hunk whose picture adorns church nursery walls throughout the Christian world. There's a reason for that.  From Abraham on, every Hebrew was essentially Semetic Bedouin. Jesus would be a hard sell if he looked like Yasser Arafat, which is probably far closer to the real appearance of Jesus if he had one.  His name would actually have been Yeshua bar Joseph, anyway. Clean him up, give him blue contacts, never show him in an Arab headband, and start yourself a religion. It could happen!

      By the way, this loony's statement notwithstanding, the earliest known picture of Jesus dates from 235 AD. Either these "relatives" live a long time or had Polaroids which they willed to the tenth generation later. This picture, by the way shows Jesus dressed as a Greek philosopher with short hair and a golden sash around his waist. Finally, . The Bible definitely does not, repeat does not,  ever use the term "white" to describe individuals, families, clans or any other subdivision. Apparently the creep who wrote this ridiculous Q and A tried to piggyback on the statement that "according to tradition" the three sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth are the sires of the Caucasian, Black and Asian races. If they were all sons of Noah, some serious evolutionary biological shit went down!

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