Monday, March 14, 2016

Biology 101 gone amok

        Ok. So, I'm watching Good morning America. On a positive note, Ginger Zee, my favorite weather person other than Sam Champion, is back, brightening my Monday! Then they cut to a segment which ultimately cause me to turn the TV off.

       Those Rembrandts of reproduction, those poster children for home schooled delusion, those poseurs of piety, the Duggars, are baaack!  Apparently their network who I shan't dignify by identification, decided that sufficient  smoke had cleared that they could once again subject America to this inbred  Arkansas menagerie. They were quick to point out that Josh Duggar, or as the nieces and nephews refer to him -"Uncle feely hands", won't be on camera, but his long suffering, serially cuckolded wife will.

        What troubles me about this whole circus is that, as a family, they harp ad nauseum about their piety and strong "Christian morality" but have apparently sold their collective souls to the devil that is reality TV. They will rejoin the ranks of such other artistic icons as Duck Dynasty, Hillbilly Handfishin', 16 and Pregnant and Keeping up with the Kardashians, as if we needed another example of  selling out family for money. 

      It was bad enough that Daddy Duggar, who is the poster child for "Anyone Can Breed", and has failed at essentially every legitimate enterprise has attempted has fed his family by allowing them to become a televised freak show of platitudes, home schooled cornpone ignorance and religious posturing.  His poor wife, meanwhile,  has become the subject of a new Mother Goose rhyme , "There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many children her uterus fell out."

        The older girls have said they just want to resume the show to "show America the power of forgiveness and healing."  What they neglected to add is that they have no other skills for which anyone will pay and TV is easy money, no artistic talent required. Remember that commandment about false witness? hey, Duggars, that means lying! 

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