Sunday, March 20, 2016

Not even wrong!

Physicist Wolfgang Pauli once evaluated the theories of a student as "not even wrong" meaning they were so far off course as to be unrelated. A recent letter entitled "Voters should ask hard questions" falls within that descriptor as well.

       One example is the assertion that "allegations," (by which one assumes he means the interminable obsession with Benghazi)  surrounding Hillary Clinton, are unresolved.  If over $20 million, 682 days, 7 investigations and 32 hearings  all controlled by the opposition party in both houses of Congress doesn't constitute thorough, then what does? To date political enemies of  former SecState Clinton have spent  longer attempting (and failing) to smear her performance and her character  than they did in investigating Pearl Harbor, the JFK assassination, Hurricane  Katrina, , and the Iran-Contra Scandal. In those last two under Republican Presidents' watches, investigators found a lot wrong. 

        Next is the statement  that Bernie Sanders' agenda is " a continual slide toward secularism and the rule of man.....(etc)."   In another "not even wrong" moment, the writer is seemingly oblivious to the fact that the founders went to great lengths to insure  that they created  a secular government. They would be gratified to know that we remain so today, in spite of occasional fits and starts of regression toward theocracy in the minds of some. I'd wager, however,  that the writer stridently supports the death penalty, in spite of its obvious conflict with the sixth Commandment!

        Finally the writer  lauds free market (free trade) as "motivating self reliance, productivity and economic  superiority." All this we watch  real income of American workers remain stagnant while jobs are shipped off shore and a significant portion of our debt is held by foreign interests. Of course, foreign  products are cheap at Walmart, America's largest retailer, who used to proudly advertise "Made  in America."  Mr. Sam Walton would hang his head.

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