Thursday, March 24, 2016

The wrath of Gawd-uh!

       There are many persons of the Christian faith who do unselfish, morally upright, and unconditionally good things on a daily basis. It should be noted that there are  many Buddhists, Jains, Atheists, Jews, Muslims and Wiccans  who do so as well.  There are, in each group, also many who mouth the platitudes, go through the motions and wear their religion on their sleeve. These are easily identified by their insistence on public prayer at the drop of a hat, even though in the case of Christians, their Nordic leader, Sven Christ (see any picture) spoke specifically against it! Somewhere in the cesspit below the second basement of organized Pseudo- Christianity  is the region of hypocrisy reserved for the Cruzes, Pat Robertsons  and Michelle Bachmanns.

       Ted Cruz, according to his father, a megalomaniacal evangelical preacher, is "The anointed one" apparently sitting beside God  himself in some celestial green room, waiting to ascend to the throne of the ....oh wait, this isn't a theocracy, Ted, piss off.

       Meanwhile Pat Robertson, afflicted with terminal bat shit crazy, continues vomiting forth such edicts as: "The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

        More recently, Michele Bachmann, well known  Minnesota moron and former Congressional cloakroom joke, has taken it upon herself to interpret the recent terror attacks in Belgium, as only she can, as God's revenge on the USA,  apparently for daring to elect a non-white and not raving loony super Christian as President. She chides President Obama for being in Cuba in the first place and the seems to think that he should have rushed home. And done what, exactly;  suit up, put on body armor, fly to Brussels and kick some ISIS ass? The fact that this woman actually graduated William and Mary law school must be a source of great pride for many of the faculty there.  A an aside, the Minnesota state bird is the common loon.  Coincidence? I think not!

        She is so obsessed with the fictional "end times" of Biblical fame, that if anyone refuses to kowtow to Israel she sees it as heresy.  She has said, “The Jewish state of Israel truly is a miracle of the hand of God. This is a fulfillment of God’s word.”  “We recognize the shortness of the hour and that’s why we as a remnant want to be faithful in these days and do what it is that the Holy Spirit is speaking to each one of us, to be faithful in the kingdom and to help bring in as many as we can — even among the Jews — share Jesus Christ with everyone that we possibly can because, again, he’s coming soon.”

        So watch out Jews, you better convert, Michele says so. Arrant ego driven horseshit of this caliber has seldom been seen, but then Bachmann's vengeance seeking God has actually never been seen. We have, however,  witnessed  the vicious revenge centric mentality of his adherents, haven't we? I mean what the hell, worship one golden calf and 3,000 must die? (Exodus 32:26-28) On the other hand, remember all those brutal hordes of militant atheists who have ravished the world in support of their disbelief? Me neither. Ever. At all. Not even once.

        The most troubling aspect of all this is that both Bachmann and Robertson, and to a degree Cruz, see their God and their religion  as their own personal weapons to smite those whose socio/political beliefs are at odds with their own narrow minded and dogmatic beliefs. Not only that, but he uses surrogates to make his point. Obama   goes to Cuba; uh-oh, God  kills Belgians! By this logic, if I have a legitimate problem with my neighbor, I could just go to another neighbor and kill his dog (or wife, or children or all his line unto 40 generations, or whatever bovine excreta we're selling at the moment. You can't make this shit up........oh wait, yes you certainly can. 

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