Thursday, January 23, 2020

Corrupt? You Bet! (and other oddities)

Corrupt: (adj): “Having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.”

        We’ve seen this allegation of bad character aimed by the imbecile in the White House at the media (all of it except Faux News), all Democrats, ambassadors, several formerly friendly nations, and essentially anyone else who disagrees with Donald Trump. Even more troubling is that it has also become his go-to word when dealing with such things as statements of fact which are less than flattering to the man himself. He simply trots out “corrupt” as if his use of the word obliviates the truthfulness of statements which are derogatory towards him, his actions, and far more frequently, his propensity for bald faced lying.  In fact, an alternate definition of corrupt might well be “willingness to lie for personal gain in any circumstance.”

       Perhaps the most reliable source for analyzing this almost pathological aversion to the truth comes from Tony Schwartz, the journalist who ghostwrote “Trump: The Art of the Deal.” Yes, that’s right, what we all knew from reading Trump’s infantile Twitter spasms is true - He can’t write literate English. When Schwartz wrote “The Art of the Deal”, he created the phrase "truthful hyperbole" as an "artful euphemism" (sic) to describe what he later called Trump's "Loose relationship with the truth". This passage from the book, in which Schwartz quotes Trump, provides the context: "I play to people's fantasies ... People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration—and it's a very effective form of promotion." Schwartz, in a later interview, said that Trump "loved the phrase".

       Schwartz, who, for the record, has since made it clear that he regrets his ghostwritten “sanitization” of Trump, said that "deceit" is never "innocent.  He added, "'Truthful hyperbole' is a contradiction in terms. It's a way of saying, 'It's a lie, but who cares?” Schwartz repeated this criticism on Good Morning America and Real Time with Bill Maher, saying he (Schwartz) "put lipstick on a pig".

        The real “corruption”, then, is apparently innate with Trump and began even before he inherited the Trump real estate empire.

       Daddy Fred Trump, himself chronically on the edge of legality, feared that anti-German sentiments during and after World War II could negatively affect his business. The solution was to claim Swedish descent. Donald repeated this blatant lie to the press and in The Art of the Deal, where he claimed that his grandfather, Friedrich Trump, "came here from Sweden as a child". In the same book, Donald also said that his father was “Born in the USA (New Jersey)” apologies to Bruce Springsteen. Trump later said, "My father is German. Right? Was German. And born in a very wonderful place in Germany, and so I have a great feeling for Germany." This is even more bizarre, since Fred Trump was born in the Bronx, New York.
        Consider: the man who chronically labels the media as “corrupt, and lying,” is on the record as claiming three different birthplaces for his own father. Time and space make documenting all examples of Trump mendacity a Herculean task, but the use of the word “corrupt” by Trump is clearly the most egregious case of “pot calling the kettle black” in recent memory.
Speaking of lies we’re fed on a regular basis:

      I saw a promo a while ago for a “new” (aren’t they all?) sleep aid drug, which portrays sleepiness and wakefulness as cats, one dark and restless, one white, fluffy and purring. After the pleasant and low-key hype came the sotto voce list of "possible side effects."  I was mildly interested right up to that point, but the list was truly frightening. Among the side effects were: Depression, suicidal thoughts, Inability to move immediately upon waking (really troubling, if what woke you was your bladder!), driving or working without remembering, and more. Try a cup of hot Cocoa, liberally laced with rum!

        Along the same line, another "new" drug offers the possibility of "ruptured spleen!" Now there's an offer that's hard to turn down, huh? This same drug's advert, as so many do these days, gives this sage advice, "Don't take (name of drug here) if you are allergic to "this drug." Wow! Would never have thought of that! But, one wonders, how the hell would I know I’m allergic to it until I take it? (oops, too late, call 911 and tell them to warm up a new spleen!)

And finally, but still weird:

       Recent and bizarre sign of the apocalypse: Vegan dog and cat foods! Look, I couldn't care less if you, as a rational omnivore, opt for whatever cosmic muffin induced reason, to go vegetarian or vegan. As I've often said, just don't tell me it's "natural" because it isn't. Your dentition alone tells that tale. but "Spot's Choice Vegan Garden Recipe Dry Dog Food"?? Really? Did your dog signal their unhappiness and deep-seated guilt over 50,000 years of canid meat consumption?  Next, you'll be saying they shouldn't lick their crotch, either, because you don't care to do it.

        An impartial dog food analysis organization rates this attempt at human conscience salving thus: (just a blurb of the entire article): "Below-average protein. Below-average fat. And above-average carbs when compared to a typical dry dog food."   It goes on to rate this expensive delight as two stars out of five on the dry dog food spectrum - well below average! If this wasn't sufficient insult to the dog, hold on to your wallet, because this garden cornucopia of yuck will cost you about $6 per pound! On the other hand, several “Five Star” dry foods cost about $2.20 per pound and are nutritionally complete.  So, starve yourself for meat protein if it makes you feel good, but trust me, your dog doesn't give a hoot in hell! Sure, they like sweet potatoes and need the beta carotene, but sometime ya just gotta sink your teeth into some meat protein.

        And I do believe that’s all I have to say about that.

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