Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Daily news and views 1/29/20

Daily news 1/29/20

       At the top of the news, two word “leaders” facing legal problems at home have decided to deflect attention from their own peccadillos by arbitrarily redrawing a contested border and telling thousands of Palestinians that they are tenants of Israel. 

      Trump, besieged by his own problems has joined with like-minded (and indicted) crook, Benny Netanyahu in declaring what was styled as “Trump’s Peace plan” for the middle East. So ya gotta like that, huh? Not necessarily. 

       Point by point the details are less sanguine. Primarily, all that the “plan” really does is pile US approbation on what is already de facto policy: Israeli settlements in disputed territory will now officially be on  Israeli soil. It should be noted here that Palestinians diametrically disagree. This really isn’t a “Peace” Plan, since that sort of implies mutual agreement between aggrieved parties. It is an executive fiat issued by Netanyahu, who is desperate to look like a leader, vice the grifter he is accused of being, and Trump, desperate to:  1) deflect attention from his impeachment trial and the horrors yet to come and 2) Appeal to American supporters of Israel, many of whom are true believers in almost all human rights causes save those of Palestinians.
      Secondarily, but just as obvious, is that the “Mideast” involves a hell of a lot more than Israel, but this plan addresses none of that.  The “Mideast” consists of 371 million folks in 18 countries, speaking 60 languages, covering 2.78 million square miles. Trump is skewing US foreign policy to benefit 2.3% of those individuals, who occupy .3% of the region. Don’t even start on the “but it’s Israel, WWII, The Holocaust, etc”  This is now about votes for both gangsters, Trump and Netanyahu, full stop.

For (a lot) more on the history involved read this blog post from May, 2018.

        In a refreshing case of justice delayed but not forgotten, a 71 year-old man in Lake County (Fl) who has made a crusade of persecuting the parents of children killed in the horrific events at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, was arrested yesterday. It is worthy of note that this lunatic had been a guest on the TV show of equally delusional conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones. His latest crime was apparently the dissemination of the private information of the father of one of the children killed. His constant claim, delusional NRA supporter that he is, is that the 20 dead children aren’t really dead, but that they and their parents were all willing participants in a “gummint” devised “false flag” incident designed to increase anti-gun concerns. The individual in question, one Wolfgang Halbig, currently resides in the lake county jail.

         Wolfgang Halbig, hoaxer and certified asshole

Halbig, 73, a former Florida public school security administrator (yikes!) , has sent hundreds of public records requests to Newtown and Connecticut officials, demanding documents that include photographs of the murder scene, the children’s bodies and receipts for the cleanup of “bodily fluids, brain matter, skull fragments and around 45 to 60 gallons of blood.”

        In a similarly gratifying example of justice continued, lifelong serial pedophile and  abuser, Jerry Sandusky, has had an appeal for reduced sentence denied by a higher court. Sandusky, enabled for years by the benign and willing indifference of Joe Paterno and other Penn State officials and coaches, was originally sentenced by a judge, and the appeal (denied) was for the decision to be either overturned or reduced.

        Sandusky, aged 75, remains under his current 30 to 60 years, 45-count, child molestation conviction and sentence. Sandusky was sentenced by the trial judge, but a Superior Court panel said that included the improper application of mandatory minimums.  “The Superior Court has agreed with our office that it was proper for the court below to reject Sandusky’s claims,” said a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office. “We look forward to appearing for the new sentencing proceedings and arguing to the court as to why this convicted sex offender should remain behind bars for a long time.” At 75, hopefully Sandusky will expire before his sentence does.

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