Sunday, January 12, 2020

Donald Trump is a Lying Liar!

At first you just shake your head when you see a statement such as this from 1/10/2020: “U.S. Cancer Death Rate Lowest in Recorded History! A lot of good news coming out of this Administration.” (A Trump tweet)

        So, what breakthrough did Dr Trump engineer? As we all know, not a damn thing. This is simply another instance of Trump not even knowing what he doesn’t know but being more than willing to toot his own horn in ignorance. In truth, considering all cancers and all age and racial groups, the incidence of cancer in America has steadily decreased from 1995 until the present!

                In the interest of truth, here are some facts: Trump’s proposed White House budgets would have cut billions of dollars in funding to the National Institute of Health, which would have also negatively impacted the National Cancer Institute if Congress had approved it.  However, the Democratically controlled House refused to pass on a budget with those cuts. Additionally, it is the fact that the NIH is in on the ground floor of almost all basic cancer drug research in America.  NIH funding contributed to published research associated with every one of the 210 new drugs approved by the FDA from 2010-2016. And that trend continues, not because of Trump efforts, but despite efforts to cut funding.

        "My father is German, right? Was German and born in a very wonderful place in Germany." 

Forget the typical overuse of superlatives (“very wonderful place”) The moron in chef ‘s daddy was born in New York. Period. Just like his obituary and birth certificate both state. Yet Trump has made this blatantly false claim at least four Times since taking office. (and they said Reagan was losing it?)

       Also, this week: While blustering and threatening Iran with retaliation for any attack on "an American Base, or any American" in response to the killing of Soleimani, Trump blithered: "The United States just spent Two Trillion Dollars on Military Equipment."

       But, it hasn't. It is true that total US military spending over the last three years (one of which was the Obama 2016 budget) (not “just”, as in “just last week”) was about $2 trillion. Less than ¼ of that, about $420 billion,  was on equipment procurement, per one  Todd Harrison, a defense budget expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, who, unprompted added, “Trump either knowingly exaggerated, got mixed up, or didn't know and didn't care enough to check.”  I’m not sure which option here is the worst.

       In the interest of brevity here are several more examples of bloviating Trump bullshit, courtesy of CNN:

Veterans Choice: (allowing VA users to use non-VA physicians, especially in regions where VA hospitals or clinics are distant) 

"One of my greatest honors was to have gotten CHOICE approved for our great Veterans. Others have tried for decades and failed!" -- December 31 tweet

The truth: Barack Obama signed the Veteran’s Choice bill, co-sponsored by Bernie Sanders and the late John McCain in 2014. Trump signed a bill which only made small modifications to it,      

Trump claimed: “The ice caps were going to melt. They were going to melt. They were going to be gone by now, but now they’re setting records, so OK, they’re at a record level.”
—Interview with Piers Morgan, January 28, 2018


Yes, polar ice is setting records—but for shrinking. On February 13, 2017, the combined Arctic and Antarctic sea ice coverage was 6.26 million square miles—the lowest since 1979, when satellites began to take continuous measurements. That’s the equivalent of losing a chunk of sea ice larger than Mexico, according to NASA. Arctic sea ice covered the smallest area ever on March 7, 2017, according to NASA and NASA-supported scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado. On the opposite pole, Antarctic sea ice contracted to the smallest area on March 3, 2017, according to the same source.

Trump said (September 2019):

That the “fake News” was reporting incorrectly that he had stated his willingness to meet with Iran with no preconditions, and that he never said anything of the sort.


Trump had said in July 2018 and again in June 2019 that he was willing to meet with Iran with no pre-conditions, and both secretary of state Mike Pompeo and treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin confirmed this to be Trump's position during a White House press briefing five days before Trump's tweet. (ouch!)

Trump said:

"We're taking in billions and billions of dollars from China in the form of tariffs. Our people are not paying for it."  (July 30 exchange with reporters) "And it's been proven that our people are not paying for those tariffs." And: "They're paying for these tariffs; we're not." (August 1 exchange with reporters)

The sad reality:

A March, 2019,  paper from economists at Columbia, Princeton and the New York Federal Reserve (you know, actual economists who know what the f*** they’re talking about) found that the "full incidence" of Trump's tariffs has fallen on domestic companies and consumers -- costing them $3 billion a month by the end of 2018. The paper also found that the tariffs led to a reduction in US income, by $1.4 billion a month.

A separate academic paper also found that the tariffs led to higher consumer prices. It estimated that the tariffs will result in a $7.8 billion-per-year decline in income.
Additionally, to date we have spent about $30 billion more than usual in farm subsidies to help beleaguered farmers whose soybean crops they can’t sell to China. That’s 6 “walls” worth of unplanned spending for Trump's horrid tariff war, about which he continues to lie.

Pete Buttigieg's faith:

Trump claimed last week, while pandering to a gathering of evangelicals, that Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is trying to "pretend" that he is "very religious." Trump said, "All of a sudden he's become extremely religious. This happened about two weeks ago."

The truth: It’s impossible to determine the sincerity of anyone’s “faith.”  If it were possible, the Evangelicals would have deserted serial philanderer, liar and humbug Donald Trump, years ago. That having been said, Buttigieg, an Episcopalian, has regularly talked about his faith since he announced in January 2019 that he was launching an exploratory committee for a possible run for president. He also spoke to CNN very candidly and at length in August about his personal years-long religious journey.
        In response to Trump's claim, Buttigieg, in his disarming and typically humorous manner, said, simply: "I'm not sure why the President's taken an interest in my faith journey, but I certainly would be happy to discuss it with him. I just don't know where that's coming from, you know – My faith certainly has been a complex journey for me, as it is for a lot of people, but I'm pretty sure I've been a believer longer than he's been a Republican."

And since I wouldn’t dream of trying to top Mayor Pete, I’m going to close with that.

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